Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Flash Stick Figur

I made a flash file with a stick figure in it. He walks to the left then smiles as the sun comes up. He frowns as the sun becomes huge and then his head starts to smoke and then all of a sudden combusted. he freaks out then a cloud covers the sun and rains on him putting out the flame. He then walks off the screen.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stick Figure Gif

This is my gif that i made on adobe fireworks. I made a stick figure animation. I made a stick figure jump over a car destroy it and then kill a giant. I made all of this with the pencil tool and the line tool.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Member Card ECHS

This is a member card for ECHS that i made. This is the front of it. I put the logo and member ship information.

This is the back of it and it has a area to put your  information and some more information like the number and email address.
 This is my second member card. I arranged the words in the logo a little differently. I put all the informaition on the front. it is a little crammed.
On this i put every thing on the front. I put the information in a different order.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

business cards ECHS

This is a business card i made for the Entiat Community Historical Soceity. I used their logo and information. I arranged it to make it easy to read and understand. I copied and pasted the information and logo on to the page.

I did the same thing on this one except i arranged it differently to give some different choices on the look.

On this one i did the same thing but i put a little more information on it to give the reader more info. It results in it being more crowded.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

DC business card

This is my custom made business card for DC. I took a DC logo and made it red and cool looking. I also put a title, number, address, email, and a website were you can find him. I also photo shopped a bunch of shoes flying around from  a DC picture. The colored boxes on the bottom is the color scheme. There is some other colors for the customer to put in if they want to. I chose these colors because I felt that they go good together and its smooth.

Monday, March 4, 2013

DC logo

This the logo I custom made for DC in fireworks.The logos on the left I got online for guidance. I took the DC logo with the black background and cut the DC sign out of it with the lasso tool. Then I used the paint bucket to fill the sign with red and gave it a tattered border with it. Then I put a gray background on it.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Black Swan Business Cards

This is my unprofessional business card. I used the swan logo twice and made them very colorful. I used the text box to write the writing on my card. I tried to put as much uneeded stuff as possible on this card.

This is my intermediate one it is thinner and taller than the other ones. I used the swan logo once made it black with a blue glow so all you can see is the outline. The background is black too. I used the text box tool to rite my information and made it blue.

This is my professional business card. I tried to keep it simple and easy to see. I made the swan logo gray. I made the background black and gray with a gradient. I used the text box tool to get the writing. I made the writing light gray almost white so you can see it well.